Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eliminate the FDA, the Insurance Companies, and Medical Education Before They Kill You by James Altucher

Eliminate the FDA, the Insurance Companies, and Medical Education Before They Kill You by James Altucher:

I’m a doctor. That’s not quite enough. Some might take that to mean I’m a “Doctor of Philosophy”. A PhD. In fact, I was rudely thrown out of graduate school.

I asked to at least use the office for the summer but they said, “No.” I needed to pack all my stuff and be out by afternoon. While packing my desk I found a woman’s earring underneath but that’s another story.

No, what I really mean is I’m a “MEDICAL” Doctor. In other words, you can come to me with your ailment, I can either diagnose them or tell you you need more serious help and recommend a specialist (for instance, if your finger has been accidentally amputated by a lawnmower , then I am NOT the guy to sew it back on. You need to go to a hospital where they have sewing machines for that sort of thing) and I can recommend treatment for you: take 5 of these pills, for instance, and call me in a week and avoid a diet that is high on carbs for at least this week.

Wait a second? I’ve read through all of this blog. James DID NOT ONCE ever mention going to medical school.

Yeah? So? If you came to me with a headache, for instance, I would ..................

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