Monday, August 01, 2011

What now for Obama? President looks weak after being held to ransom by Tea Party Republicans

What now for Obama? President looks weak after being held to ransom by Tea Party Republicans:

"Cometh the hour, cometh the man. But that man has not been Barack Obama.

As Congress finally agreed a deal on the debt and deficit serious questions remained about the President's authority and his ability to get things done.

Instead of taking control he has turned to more experienced colleagues like Vice President Joe Biden - often mocked as 'the invisible man' for remaining in the background - to lead negotiations.

Such a move has been typical of Mr Obama's handling of the crisis which he has left many Democrats tearing their hair out in frustration.

They have also been horrified that he has lurched so far to the right - the bipartisan committee looking at the national debt will have 'everything on the table', the President admitted.

This opens the door to brutal cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, programmes which are dear to the hearts of liberals.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

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