Monday, August 22, 2011

The Weather Channel Crawl Just Told Me Hussein was being "briefed on Hurricane Irene"

The Weather Channel Crawl Just Told Me Hussein was being "briefed on Hurricane Irene":

Tuned in to get the latest on Hurricane Irene, as we east coast folk need to watch it carefully.

Almost hurled when the first thing I saw was big graphic "Obama is being briefed on Hurricane Irene".

Good God, folks, does the Hussein worship extend to the FREAKING WEATHER CHANNEL?! I don't CARE if Hussein is being told about the hurricane. He can't do a damn thing--he promised to lower the damn sea levels. I get SO SICK and TIRED of logging onto a computer or turning on a tv and seeing an ad or "news" about the biggest CIPHER to ever enter the Oval Office.

He IS A JOKE. And I don't care HOW MUCH BULLCRAP the media spews, they're not gonna convince me he has America's best interests in mind.

Sorry for the rant, but I wanted to throw a brick through my flat screen when I saw that......................


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