Monday, August 08, 2011

Was Obama Hope & Change slogan a subliminal message for illegal aliens?

Was Obama Hope & Change slogan a subliminal message for illegal aliens?:

"The birth certificate games Barack Hussein Obama has long played on an unwitting American public may have taken their origin from ‘Hope & Change’ astroturf messaging.

Obama seems to get off on keeping his pedigree under lock and key. Obama ineligibility as an issue and the Hope & Change message coincide in real time.

While millions may have understood the intent of the 2008 Hope & Change slogan to mean hope and change for Americans in general, it could have been a thinly veiled call of hope to upwards of 20 million illegal aliens squatting on American soil.

Hope & Change had become a household word, preceding even Obama’s gussied-up presentation to a waiting world from the backdrop of styrofoam Greek columns at Denver’s Invesco Field, DNC convention back in August of 2008.

In fact, the Barack Obama “Hope”"

~Gunny G Online!~

~Gunny G Online!~
*"Fair Use" Excerpts Linked Back To Source.*

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