Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wanted: The Reagan Courage

Wanted: The Reagan Courage:

Therein lies the difference between the Establishment's goals and conservatives' goals. The conservatives aren't satisfied by merely defeating Obama. And while it's true that any member of the Republican field would be superior to Obama, better-than-Obama is a very low standard.

For example, the Republican budget negotiations this spring yielded a "better" result than what Obama wanted. The same is true of the deal to raise the debt limit. But neither action made any meaningful change to our country's suicidal financial trajectory.

Just as a modest upgrade to the nation's debt situation was unsuited for the seriousness of the time, so also a modest upgrade in the Oval Office will not be enough to save America from falling by the wayside. The $1.3 trillion deficit, listless economy and pending ObamaCare entitlement change the game. As author Mark Steyn has said, "we're looking at incredibly grim scenarios, not in 2050, 2070 and these other absurd CBO projections...but around 2015, 2017, 2018."

In other words, we've reached a point where -- for those fighting to preserve America as it was founded -- politically safe options are no longer viable. To save America in 2012 will take the same gumption that it took to save America in 1981. We need the Reagan Courage.............

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