Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Tragedy in Afghanistan Revisited

The Tragedy in Afghanistan Revisited:

"Who came up with such an insane and unworkable scenario? Does no one in the US military recall “reverse strategic planning?”

Gen. Paul Vallely recently described “reverse planning” as the concept that “prior to anything being written, an end-state must be identified.” That is, before we invaded Afghanistan we should have had a feasible end-game in mind, and an honorable exit strategy. Link

Where are they? Did they ever exist? All I have seen is a US military increasingly hobbled by ludicrous ROE, mired in an untenable situation that is costing us dearly.

Only the “merchants of death” and their multi-billion dollar industry seem to be winners. Link

Lest someone get the wrong idea, let me restate the following from a previous article of mine: “I honor all of our service men and women. I especially honor those who have sacrificed physically, or mentally/emotionally (or spiritually) on behalf of our country. And most of all, I honor those who ‘gave the last full measure,’ and died in the service of the United States.

I am proud of them, and grateful for their sacrifice. May God bless them all, and their families.”

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