Sunday, August 21, 2011

Obama "Giving In To Temptation"?

Obama "Giving In To Temptation"?:

In a speech last month, Obama told La Raza that it is "tempting" to change immigration laws on his own. Instead of responding with shock, they applauded him. In case you missed it, here's the video.

Now, it appears that Obama is giving in to these temptations. The Washington Times is reporting that the Obama administration will no longer push for deportation of illegal immigrants who do not pose a public safety or national security threat. This is a way to circumvent Congress and force through the executive what Obama could not get through Congress. Although the administration claims it has the power to determine which cases need greater priority, this is not a matter of priorities. Establishing priorities would mean changing the order of cases while still handling all of them. This is dropping all cases except where there are security concerns, something that is much different prioritizing.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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