Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fred On Everything

Fred On Everything:

"Like everyone else, I suppose, I've been watching the racial riotsthat have erupted across England. The newsies of the BBC carefully avoided saying who was rioting, vandalizing, and stealing, and the footage was all fuzzy long shots or of rioters from the back.

They were, however, as a reporter for The Independent pointed out, black.

There was the usual puzzled, or pseudo-puzzled wondering: Why did the “youths”--they are always called youths—doing it? Curiously, it was a black conservative on Hardtalk (of the BBC) who said it: the rioters were , criminal, unsocialized to civilized norms and simply wanted to rob stores selling things they liked.

Which led me to think about the US. It 's a little more complicated."


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