Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chuck Baldwin -- We Don't Need Another George W. Bush

Chuck Baldwin -- We Don't Need Another George W. Bush:

"Think about it: G.W. Bush won the White House after an extremely unpopular liberal Democrat had been President. Barack Obama's popularity is even lower than Bill Clinton's was--and Clinton was only the second President in US history to ever be impeached! Bush's campaign boss, Karl Rove, brilliantly painted G.W. Bush as being a wholesome 'born again Christian,' which played very well with a Christian electorate that was tired of being embarrassed by a lying, philandering reprobate living in the White House.

In 2012, the American electorate, especially the Christian electorate, is totally fed up with an incumbent President whom everyone knows to be extremely sympathetic to Muslim and Marxist ideologies. Plus, a sizeable percentage of the American people truly suspect that Obama was NOT born in the United States and is, therefore, not even qualified to be President. This is the stage upon which Rick Perry appears. It is a stage very similar to the one George W. Bush stepped onto in 2000. And just as Bush played the 'born again Christian' card to the max in the 2000 Presidential campaign, so Rick Perry appears to be ready to do in 2012. That is what the Houston event was all about last Saturday.".......................................


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