Sunday, August 07, 2011

Attorney General Releases Murdering Terrorists Upon Request

Attorney General Releases Murdering Terrorists Upon Request:

"Attorney General Eric Holder, head of the Department of Justice, has been setting militant members of the New Black Panthers, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson free.

Shabazz is the national head of the New Black Panthers and Jackson is a member of the Philadelphia Black Panthers and a Democratic Party official.

J. Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice attorney had worked in the Civil Rights Division where he had brought charges of violation of civil rights against two members of the New Black Panther group for voter intimidation.

He had a strong case against the two men, but Attorney General Eric Holder refused to press the charges any further and both men were released and the case dropped.

As a result of the DOJ’s failure to support the prosecution of civil rights violators, Adams resigned from his position with the department.

Now Adams is reporting that Attorney General Eric Holder has released another black militant that makes Shabazz and Jackson look like choir boys.

Last year, Holder ordered the release of convicted murdere Marilyn Buck, a member of the violent Marxist group the Black Liberation Army. Buck’s rap sheet reads like an Al Qaeda training manual.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."

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