Sunday, July 24, 2011

We Dont Need No Steenking Constitution � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL)

We Dont Need No Steenking Constitution � ~ BLOGGER.GUNNY.G.1984 ~ (BLOG & EMAIL):

"We Dont Need No Steenking Constitution
July 24, 2011 Gunny G Edit Leave a comment Go to comments

The outrages just keep coming from Washington…

WASHINGTON — Debt ceiling negotiators think they’ve hit on a solution to address the debt ceiling impasse and the public’s unwillingness to let go of benefits such as Medicare and Social Security that have been earned over a lifetime of work: Create a new Congress.

This “Super Congress,” composed of members of both chambers and both parties, isn’t mentioned anywhere in the Constitution, but would be granted extraordinary new powers. Under a plan put forth by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his counterpart Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), legislation to lift the debt ceiling would be accompanied by the creation of a 12-member panel made up of 12 lawmakers — six from each chamber and six from each party.

“Super Congress”?

I seem to remember that"

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