Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Government by Coup de Theatre or the Constitution?

Government by Coup de Theatre or the Constitution?:

"How have we arrived at this place where the fate of our federal budget -- our economy, indeed our capacity to have a functioning federal government -- seems to depend on what two men (the speaker of the House and the president) may or may not be secretly talking about in an interior room in the White House?

Meanwhile, elected representatives and senators, kept ignorant of those life-and-death discussions, are forced to wait.

When the two men are finished -- doubtlessly mere hours before 'the world will end' -- our elected representatives and senators will be stampeded to vote yes for a deal about which no one knows the details.

Cattle may need to be stampeded; elected representatives of the American people never should be so compelled."


Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North

Conspiracy in Philadelphia by Gary North
“the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was in fact an illegal coup d’état”

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