Friday, July 29, 2011

Could A County Grand Jury Investigate Its Congressman?| The Post & Email

Could A County Grand Jury Investigate Its Congressman?| The Post & Email:


by Robert DeBeaux

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has said that the grand jury is separate from the other three branches of government and 'a constitutional fixture in its own right.' Could a county grand jury be convened to examine the evidence against the congressman who represents that county's people?

(Jul. 29, 2011) — It has become evident that the Congress (Both the House of Representatives and the Senate, 435 members strong) are knowledgeable in the crimes of the usurper-in-chief’s illegal tenure in the People’s White House, and these elected buffoons consider themselves immune from any repercussions of the law or failure to uphold their Oaths to defend the Constitution.

They are wrong.

Every House member represents a district. They must live in that district (or maintain a residence). Therefore they are subject to the Grand Jury of the county they reside in. That is where you put legal pressure on them. The Fifth Amendment gives the Grand Jury “Presentment” authority totally separate from the Indictment process the prosecutor holds.

This procedure is cemented not only in common law but Justice Scalia in 1992 with his infamous ruling about the Grand Juries decreed:"

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