Monday, June 20, 2011

Jim R. Schwiesow -- State of the Nation ~ "The constitution is now exactly as George W. Bush opined during one of his numerous emperor-like moments, “Just a goddamned piece of paper.”

Jim R. Schwiesow -- State of the Nation:

"The constitution is now exactly as George W. Bush opined during one of his numerous emperor-like moments, “Just a goddamned piece of paper.”

"I do believe that the constitution as it was contemplated and written by the founders was - a past tense application here - a quite marvelous and venerable document. Some very enlightened and remarkable men constructed the framework of the foundation upon which our government was supposed to rest.

The process wasn’t completed until the Bill of Rights was poured into the skeletal structure to cement the whole into a solid base upon which the blocks of regulatory laws were to be laid. The demolition of the whole began almost immediately upon its completion.

Almost immediately, and with rabid intensity, totalitarian-minded loose constructionists applied the wrecking ball to the constitution and never relented in its incremental destruction. As the number of these nationalist revolutionaries increased so the dismantling of the constitution increased. Today it is safe to say that strict construction advocators no longer exist. The entirety of the laws that direct the affairs of government are predicated upon subjective - mostly capricious - judicial decrees.

Our laws are no longer grounded in the constitution they are rather the evolutionary bastards of political correctness, nationalistic zeal, and socialist doctrine.

The constitution is now exactly as George W. Bush opined during one of his numerous emperor-like moments, “Just a goddamned piece of paper.”"


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