Monday, April 18, 2011

Trump d'oeil

Trump d'oeil
Self | 18 April 2011 | Grut

Posted on Monday, April 18, 2011 8:42:03 AM by Grut

Maybe everyone else has figured this out already, but:

1: Donald Trump the Republican/Conservative/Tea Partier is not the Donald Trump we have known; neither is Donald Trump the politician.

2: Donald Trump the pitchman believes that a good salesman can sell anything.

3: About a year ago I speculated, very tongue-in-cheek, that if the mid-term election was as bad for the Democrats as it promised to be (it was worse), the Democratic Powers-That-Be might suddenly become the new 'birthers'.

So now we have Trump the sudden Republican, raising the birth issue as an essential part of a campaign that's ostensibly right-wing. Is it too paranoid to see a fine Democratic hand in this, with Trump as the front man for Democrats who want to remove the disastrous Obama from the scene without a brutal and chancy primary fight?

And not incidentally to disrupt the conservative movement with a false savior?

If that's the case, then the putative Democrats behind Trump must already be able to produce evidence of Obama's ineligibility when the time comes for Trump to 'discover' it. Also, the terrific MSM access Trump has enjoyed may be explained by something besides his entertainment value.

This is all paranoid speculation, to be sure, but it hangs together like the very best paranoid speculation should. And every so often, PS turns out not to be BS.....................

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