Friday, April 15, 2011

The Disingenuous Misadventures of Barack Obama

The Disingenuous Misadventures of Barack Obama
The Constitution Club ^ | 04-15-11 | The Rat

Posted on Friday, April 15, 2011 12:14:35 PM by TheConservativeCitizen

This guy, Barack Obama, is a piece of work. Whether he’s pontificating about how America would not be a great country without crippling entitlement programs, rushing to a microphone to claim credit every chance he gets, or his insistence on turning eulogies and policy statements into campaign speeches designed to attack the Republicans, this man-child is in over his head. The funny part is, the Rat thinks he knows it.
Think about the way he saunters down the steps of Air Force One or up the steps of a podium, loves to talk about himself with an air of faux self-deprecation, and has an uncontrollable penchant for blaming others for his own failures and misgivings; Obama suffers from a presidential inferiority complex and he’s doing his damnedest to overcompensate for it.

Take his budget speech earlier this week: In what the Wall Street Journal called “one of the most dishonest in decades, even by modern political political standards,” Obama relied on “blistering partisanship and multiple distortions.” His performance was pathetic, disingenuous, and laughable in its partisanship.
This is a guy who has ignored recommendations from his own deficit commission – The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform — because the advice he’s received conflicts with his socialist ideology, would alienate the “less than informed” voters he needs for reelection, and one would assume — as is usually the case, Obama the Omniscient knows better.

In what amounted to little more than a stump speech, the president categorically rejected Congressman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) “Path to Prosperity” budget-reducing proposal out of hand. Not only did Obama fail to offer any alternatives, he all but called the Republican proposal un-American. Incidentally, Ryan’s proposal has been endorsed by the co-chairs of Obama’s own commission. Can you spell a-r-r-o-g-a-n-t?
Remember Obama’s 2009 pledge to cut the nation’s $1.3 trillion deficit in half by the end of by 2012? Neither does the Obama Media Group. Hell, come to think of it, neither does Barrack Obama. How laughable does that hollow pledge look these days? How serious could this guy have been when he made that ridiculously grandiose promise? Why has he rejected every serious reduction proposal out of hand while offering none of his own?
In yet another example of hypocrisy, the Kerry-esque Obama was against raising the debt ceiling before he was for it. In March of 2006, he said: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.” Exactly, Mr. President. We intend to take your comments into account in 2012.

Finally, the president’s incompetency is also on full display in Libya, with nearly 2 out 3 Americans saying Obama has failed to articulate a clear goal. Whether or not we should be involved in what amounts to a civil war is beside the point; this guy was late to the party and left before he should have — and once again, America is weakened by Barrack Obama’s ideology and his lack of inability to make the right decision at the right time.
“Yes we can” has become a pathetic joke attached to a disingenuous, incompetent pretender to the throne. This guy is in over his head. A majority of the American people know it, and so does Barrack Obama.

He does dress well though, doesn’t he?

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